Monday, May 5, 2008

Mom's Day Bash!

The youth group at church had a Mother's Day Dinner for us Sunday night--good food, great worship, and a fantastic devotion by Dan Brown, executive director of Lift Student Ministries ( ). Dan was with us for both morning services Sunday, as well. You can here his sermon here ( ). It may take a day or two to get his sermon up on the site--but hey, there are oodles of other great sermons to listen to in the meantime!
Jason Hartley on the electric guitar--very cool!

The kids & parents enjoying the great worship music by Shoeless, the student band at Edgewood. Yes, Shoeless is the name of the band. Notice in the first pic that they are all barefoot (or sock) and their shoes are lined up at the front of the stage. Why, you might ask? That's simple--they like to go barefoot!

Dan Brown helping out with the game--"How Well Do You Know Your Mom?" I'm afraid the teens bombed a few of the questions!
A lot of the moms were wondering if they needed to introduce themselves to their kids......
It was like, "Hello, do you remember who I am......?"

Donna & Kelly, preparing the chops to be grilled. MMMM!!!!!! The food was great--thanks to all the youth sponsors for their hard work!

You'd think Leo was being tortured..........

Well, we enjoyed it! Oh, and did I mention the Whitey's ice cream and fudge brownies for desert......? They sure know what the moms want!